Get your Digital copy of Mike Fuentes’ latest solo album, Reptilian Skin Boots, for $11.95

Order “Reptilian Skin Boots” now and venture a fresh new sonic sound of cutting edge rock music!

1. The Lying Truth
2. Forward Essence
3. The Viking
4. Self Made Men
5. Bridges Over Walls

Click Here To Download “Reptilian Skin Boots” digital album Now!

Reptilian Skin Boots is an original unique album in several ways, in any order. Cutting edge technology. A cutting edge artist. Unite at its helm to mold, shape, soar, music heights that otherwise would still be playing in the back of his or her mind without the opportunity to share or you to know. Waves of audio to surge though your soul, sailing through the air, breaking the waters plane from the edge. Bust your hips, bang your head, shake, and sizzle. A millennial milestone of rock. This album will take you to your hearts summit like no other.
So click the order button below and get instant access to Mike Fuentes’ latest digital album, “Reptilian Skin Boots”. There are great albums out there, Reptilian Skin Boots is one of them. Get your copy below it will be worth it.